We invite you to participate in our 2024 Memorial Day campaign in a very special way. When you donate $20 or more you, you will sponsor one of the flags displayed on the lawn of the National Veterans Memorial and Museum during our Memorial Day commemorations.

This moving display is one of the ways we remind visitors of this sacred day, and you can make your support for Veterans visible when you donate now.

When you reply, let us know if you are giving in memory of someone special to you, or are giving in memory of all who have selflessly given their lives for our country.

The names of those who are being honored with a Memorial Day Flag this year are displayed on our website until June 14, 2024 (located at NationalVMM.org/sponsor-a-memorial-day-flag/ )

Help us fill the lawn with memorial flags!
So far, with 104 gifts,
we've raised $5,655,
out of $18,000

Choose a One-Time donation amount:
  • $

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